

A friend introduced me to a music website called thesixtyone.  It's great!  A really fun system of discovering and rating music, earning points, and so forth.  There are a few usability issues to be worked out, in my opinion, but overall a neat site.  Check it out.  And give me a bump or two if you're into that kind of thing.



something that's been bothering me for years...

i remember arguing with my sister in bible college about the absurdity of 'christian' record labels.

read this review of a book addressing the "deep contradictions of christian popular culture."

found here who reblogged from this guy who reblogged the book review



moderately short rant

if you ever decide to try your hand at writing a book, let me offer this advice:

do NOT use endnotes.

i repeat. do NOT use endnotes.

i have read a few books lately with endnotes, and there seems to be a developing trend for authors to put interesting tidbits of information in their endnotes that are basically useless read on their own void of their context within the respective paragraph and chapter, and endlessly frustrating when being read along with their respective paragraph and chapter (because of the constant flipping to the back of the book).

if it is that important to say that you need to put it in the book somewhere, put it in where it goes with the flow of reading. jeepers. i understand the function of endnotes for referencing and such, but so much of it now is an interesting side note or story that helps illustrate a point, or sometimes it seems to be a random thought that sprung to mind while writing about a certain topic. if it's relevant, put it in the book. if it's not, please just leave it out and let me read in peace! it's getting ridiculous.

use footnotes. something, anything else.



apologies i haven't been very diligent with updating this thing. i know you don't really care, but i feel badly anyhow.

here is the latest news from the shillington house:

1. i've been ordained. you must now refer to me as "reverend shillington."

2. we're having a baby. july 23 is the due date and it is a boy.

3. we had an awesome vacation in Florida in March visiting family and missing two feet of snow in one day at home. ha!

4. I am currently seeking a full time pastoral ministry opportunity. enjoy this pic.



get the ep here...

my EP is finished and available for purchase.

for the low low price of five dollars. seven dollars if i need to mail it to you.
go to http://www.myspace.com/brandonshillington to listen to a couple of the tracks from it.

pop me an email if you'd like one.
