

so u2's new album is out now. has been for a couple weeks. do i have it? no. karen wanted to get it for me for christmas, so i have to wait. what if she ends up getting a different cd? what if? what if? i sure hope it's under that tree! i can't wait to hear it. i bought the single of vertigo, so that has been satisfying my u2 hungry taste buds for now, but i am very excited to hear the full album. i appreciate the brutal honesty bono puts into the lyrics. i find the songs help me express in some way the frustrations with being a christian in our world that (to our shame) can't be expressed in church. or maybe it's just that for me it's a fresh way of expressing my relationship with God - i can't handle too many more church songs right now.

when will coldplay have another? i heard a rumour a while ago that they were working on one for 2005, but i have no idea when in the year it will appear. now that will be an album i will not miss out on. i'm there the day it comes out, baby.

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