

karen and i finally bought a new computer. it is a dell, and it is working like a charm. ahh, the bliss. no more will i have to use a laptop that freezes up randomly. no longer will i waste valuable office time posting on my blog. now i can do it all from home! hurrah.

so anyway, perhaps now my postings will take on some semblance of regularity.

that's all i've got for now. my brain isn't ready to do too much thinking at the moment. hey - it's my day off. however, i have been reading "surprised by joy" - c.s. lewis' autobiography - and been enjoying it. i will have a post on that soon. i find his definition of joy both intriguing and disturbing. more on that later.


Robin said...

I'm glad you've been redeemed from computer hell. Though I'm not sure a Dell is really heaven; perhaps more like purgatory. But I have a Mac bias so I'll shut up now.

b.rando said...

yeah, i wouldn't mind a mac, but my wife has an anti-mac bias so dell it is.

Robin said...

Brando, now that you have this wonderful new redemptive computer from Dell, when are you actually going to SAY something?!

b.rando said...

touche whitey, touche.

and thanks for stopping by, pallet jack. i'll let you know next time i'm trying html stuff that goes beyond my limited comprehension.