

1) i have some amazing friends that helped me finish the patio. huzzah! thank you each one...seriously, i was getting pretty tired of working on it and your encouragement and help really helped finish it off.

2) i worked my last day as a roofer wednesday. i have been looking forward to this day for a long time. it was a little sad saying goodbye to a guy i've worked with for almost two years though.

3) next week i go on holidays for two weeks. we are going camping, then visiting karen's family for a few days, then hanging out at home. i am in dire need of some rest as i am feeling drained.


Becky said...

I feel you! It's great to have a time of "refreshing" for your spirit, body, and mind, but it's also sad to leave people behind as you follow your life path. I'm feeling much of the same with the end of my classes and saying goodbye to classmates.

What a great picture of you and Gabe. Did he get to dip his toes in the water?? :)

Becky said...

Hey, I just zoomed in on the patio picture and wanted to ask: Are those jalapeƱo peppers growing next to the house??

Angela said...

I love the pict of Gabe on your lap. I want to squeeze him. Guess I'll have to wait for another month. Glad you got help with your patio. Is that Whitey?

Jon and Renae said...

Hey Brando, was finally reading your blog and thought, you low in spirits, tired, unambitious... maybe you have some depression going on. It may not be "all about you". There could be some chemical/hormonal things happening as well. I'm not a drug pusher, nor do I want to diminish the thoughts and feelings your having in regards to life and how you want to live it-I know I'm there along with you- but I also finally came to a point where I realized it wasn't just about me trying to change, but about my body being off. I now take a nutritional supplement for depression from a comapny called metagenics (www.metagenics.com) and it's made a big difference. I think maybe you should talk to a professional. You may not need to feel this way. Life is too precious to feel crappy if it's not necessary. I don't want to miss out on living and I don't want Jon and Mac to miss out on me. We're praying for you and if we can help in some way, just write or call.

Angela said...

Yo. How's my little Gabe man?
Is karen adjusted to being back in school now?
Say hi to her for me.
You should blog.
Only cool pirates blog.