now that i have high-speed internet access, i have finally been able to post some of my songs on a purevolume site. go here to check it out, or click the link on the sidebar. let me know what you think of them. i need honest feedback. unfortunately i can only put four songs on the site unless i pay, but i'm too cheap at this point, so i may revolve the songs i have there...we'll see. also, i do not have any recordings of the songs whose lyrics i have posted on this blog as of yet. anyway, have a listen and come back to tell me what you think, keeping in mind these are rough recordings.
some pictures i took in perth: this one is a huge and ritzy looking tim horton's.
this one is a local the writing in the window. funny stuff.
and this is our piano at home. i thought it was a neat picture. makes me feel all artistic and such.
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beautiful kingdom
i've been learning much lately about the kingdom of God - discovering in a new way what the way of jesus that i attempt to follow is really all about. in summary, redeeming everything. if you want to know more, there are many other more qualified writers than i to describe it for you. suffice to say for myself, that i have been brought to tears with joy at what i am learning about following Jesus. my brother wrote me an email the other day in which he described an anecdote that i think beautifully illustrates the new kingdom life that i am discovering. he gave me permission to share it here. enjoy.
Hey hey, sounds like life is exciting there eh! Well it's kind of so here as well. I guess that all depends on your definintion of exciting. You see, today I woke up, made a bagel, and went to let a dog out, for I am a house-sitter. So i ate my bagel as I drove to school, listening to Jadon Lavik. I know, it sounds pretty mediocre at most, however!! Let me expand. As I drove to school(which sounds mediocre at most) I also saw another car! and in that car, w as a man, and a woman, and their little kitty cat. i know what you are thinking, you think that it is just another normal day(which sounds at least medicore..(at most)). So i went to calculus, and left class. Well allow me expand my story further still!! When I looked over at the lady, while I ate my cherry tomatos from the grocery store, the cat also looked up and made a valiant effort to get some attention from the passenger in the front seat(the lady that is). All the while time is moving at a slow pace, because to tell a story in a paragraph that occured in almost 2 seconds, one must invariably slow down the pace of time itself( for the sake of telling story in some detail). So I looked over at the cat, while the lady looked up at me, and smiled. So I averted my eyes from the cat to hers and smiled back, then looking back at the road and returning to suck the life-juice from my tomato (because it just isn't polite to stare). So all in all, it was, in fact medicore(at most) but it was nice, because as you can see, a smile, and the story behind it is worth a thousand words. So you might be thinking, 'all that for just a smile?' Well my friends, do i have more for you. You see, i haven't expanded on the history of the story. I recently purchased Jadon Lavik's "Life on the Inside' album. Since it is so amazing, and blessed me so, I have been listening to it profusley. This undoubtedly set my spirit right, as I have been in good spirits lately, and smiling only comes naturally when God is in you. So good can be found in even a mediocre(at most) day if you look for it. Anyways, this wasn't where my email was gonna go, but i think I had fun typing it. I'm doing quite well, besides being discouraged with calculus, But i know tht everything will work out. Because I believe it will. And God is with me, and Jesus is in me, and Jadon Lavik singing to me! So I will talk to y'all later.
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the falcons cry "aaarrrreeeee!"
i belong to a men's group at our church called the blazing falcons. we do fun stuff together. read about our latest event here. go here for a video of it put together by my friend gerald. go here for a funny music video also made by my friend gerald featuring the falcon's dance troup and my other friend paul's song....from our church's new cd, which can be heard here via the sweet dark player on the sidebar. buy a sweet dark cd if you like it. it's really good.
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i fell in love last thursday
karen and i had our first ultrasound last week. it was incredible to see this tiny baby moving around inside her. it was like nothing i have ever seen, definitely one of the best experiences of my life so far.
these are some of those newfangled 3-d image projection thingymabobs.
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we are moved(ing) into our new house.
i finally got internet access (high-speed now, thanks be to the cable guys).
my computer is set up on my dryer because i don't have ends on the cat5 cable routed through my house. i can only stand there in front of it for so long.
we are very busy, so please forgive my lack of postage.
in other news, things are moving ahead quite quickly for me to be helping with a church plant here in k-town. very excited. we have already purchased a building and will begin meeting there shortly. al (pastor i'll be working with) was filling out stuff today to get internship funding for me so i can begin putting time in at the plant. so it looks like i'll be doing another fm internship. good times. hope i don't have too many reports to do.
in other other news, saturday night i attended the blazing falcons iron chef competition. (blazing falcons is the name of our men's group at next church) we divided into teams, were given a pound of bacon and $20, and told to create a three course dinner (app, main, dessert) with bacon in each one. we were given 90 minutes and then judged. my team came in second out of about fifty-seven (*ahem* three) teams. the meals were surprisingly delish. every thing from budget kd with bacon to bacon-wrapped filet mignon and bacon-wrapped scallops to chocolate covered bacon and chocolate chip cookies cooked with bacon grease instead of butter. go here for pics.
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