
snow day

it snowed today. all day. from about 11am to 5 or 6pm. i went out and shoveled the foot of snow out of the driveway, then it started to snow again. i had been sitting inside all day nursing a budding flu or cold. thank God for drugs. the fresh air was nice.

as i watched the snow falling i was thinking about how beautiful it was, and how wierd our winter this year has been, and how thankful i am for how God has taken care of us. and how much i am loathing going back to roofing next week now that we have all this snow. some wet hands will be had for sure. strap the harness on.

i start two days a week at rustle this month. the more i spend time there, the more excited i am about serving there. i am thankful for this. it seems God has brought me so far. it seems so long ago that i sidled up to a local leader searching for a cure to a complacent spirituality. thank you sir, for shaking me back to Christ. for this i am thankful. for new life, new passion, new opportunities, new friends. i am filled with gratitude.

ever and always does God soak me with blessings. undeserved. lavished. still learning how to cope with all that kindness. i am awkward with grace.

my sister is having a baby soon. within moments i will be an uncle. freight trains could not keep me away, but the mighty dollar might. alaska is so far away. it is hard at times. karen's family lives near niagara falls. four hours seems so far when gabriel is screaming and she needs a nap while i'm dancing on rooftops. but four hours would be heavenly for my family. they're not even a four hour flight away....try thirteen with layovers and transfers. expensive. it's cheaper to go visit vincent in france. paris must be visited one day. eiffel tower here i come. feed me stinky cheese and crepe's.

i was never much of a homebody growing up. i am sure this caused my parent's consternation at times. "call home from camp to let us know how you're doing, dear." yeah, right. i never did. no phones in the canoe. even after they moved back to alaska when i was in kingston, did i miss them? sure, at times... but overall...i've been pretty happy out on my own. now that gabriel has come along i have found it harder than ever before. it would be nice at times to go visit for the weekend. if you're reading this, don't feel bad. we are all where we're supposed to be. now my sister is having a little one, and i feel the pull to go see her. love runs thick in our house.

funny thing, baby's. i never really liked them much. that is, until i had my own. now my sister is having one, my good friends are having one, and i find myself so excited to see the children, to hold them. wierd. parenthood changes things i guess. i like it.

baby's, friends, family, rustle, snow day.



Angela said...

i wish so badly you could be here too. thank you for your words...i think i needed to hear it...i miss you. if i can get a ticket with our miles for this summer, freight trains will not keep me away from Kingston w/ the baby to get in some good great-grandpa, uncle, aunt, and cousin time.
we're so excited to see how God's leading you in this new ministry too.

Anonymous said...

these past writes and rants were inspired. nice. overflow of grace for sure. apparently there may be more!