
the violence of jesus

i was talking with karen the other day about the account of jesus clearing out the temple:

John 2:14-16 (New American Standard Bible)
14And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables.
15And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; 16and to those who were selling the doves He said, "Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a place of business."

i was pointing out the fact that jesus made a whip, a very purposeful and time-consuming act, before going nuts on everybody. we see in this story the anger of jesus displayed in a passionate and even violent act. here's what i want to know. what did he do with that whip? brandish it menacingly? sting the backsides of sheep and cattle? did he use it on any people?

monday i was home from work sick, so i spent much of the day on the couch reading a couple copies of geez magazine a friend had loaned me. i think i overdosed. anyway, geez is very peace-loving. my thoughts were saturated with ideas of following jesus being a way of peace as opposed to war.

here's the question: what is an appropriate expression of anger, and even violence, in this world that we can learn from jesus' example? what will i teach my son about dealing with bullies at school? about war? about justice? we seem to fear anger at times, filing it away in the sinful category. but it is a human emotion just as ligitimate as joy or sorrow or love - within the appropriate context, just as is the case with all other emotions. so when is anger appropriate, and in such cases, what is an appropriate expression of anger? is violence ever called for, ever an appropriate response? i have some theories, but i'm interested to hear what you think.


matthew said...

just a quick thought

I think there is a big difference between expressing anger b/c of something done to you vs. expressing anger b/c of something done to someone else.

Angela said...

Yes, I agree Matt, and I know you're not saying it's wrong, just that it's different...but I don't think it's always wrong to express anger b/c of something done to you as well. Anger is a normal emotion, and many times anger is justified. Perhaps uncontrolled anger is wrong? Anger that is expressed when one has not thought through the motives behind it or the ramifications of expressing it. Anger should never be expressed in a way that would damage another individual...this is an interesting thought.
I'm going to think on it while I go check on the laundry and get supper going...
sorry I don't have more time now brother.

Angela said...

Just another quick thought before I go...the Bible does speak clearly about revenge. We are to leave this up to the Lord...love our enemies...so expressing anger by way of a vengful (sp) motive- wrong. I think anger and revenge/vengeance can definitely be defined distinctly. Anger-not wrong (a normal, human emotion). Revenge- an improper response to the anger felt.

Angela said...
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Erskine said...

Perhaps if we loved with Jesus' love, then we might be justified in claiming that some of our acts of anger, like Jesus', were a reflection of zeal for the Father. If, on the other hand, we are selfish people on a journey to becoming like Him, then our anger is most likely self-motivated. In that case, it's best not to make any whips. For a "safe" expression of anger, I generally take it out on God first, telling Him exactly what I think. Then if I haven't been schooled, I'll move on to others. :)

Anonymous said...

If you want something more to mess you up read The Irresistable Revolution by Shane Clairborne. Violence, well I'm not predisposed to it, but if someone was walloping my son I'd probably get in the middle of it or hope that he'd wallop back. Remember that old book, Wild At Heart? There was a section about teaching your son to stick up for himself and others. It's a sticky place to think a lot on. Not to be trite, but what would Jesus do? Maybe it's EXTREMELY situational. Just some thoughts from 1)a woman 2)a mother 3)a seeker of Jesus
Hey how do I, where do I start a blog?

b.rando said...

thanks for your thoughts peoples. i'm finding your thoughts confirming my own for the most part.

renae, there are different places you can go to start a blog. i use blogger and like it pretty well. it's easy to use. go to www.blogger.com to find out more or start your own.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon, I just wanted to congratulate you on the arrival of your new niece! I've just seen pictures of her, and she is adorable...

Hope everyone is doing well, and I'm sure I'll run into you sooner or later :).

Take care,

b.rando said...

thanks liza, hope to see you sooner rather than later! be well.

Angela said...

nu-uh. mine's cuter. Wanna fight?
