well, i haven't posted in a while... work has been keeping me busy and tired. but now i'm done for the year! saturday karen and i leave to celebrate christmas with her family in ft. erie, then sunday we fly to alaska to spend ten days with my family. we leave from toronto at 5:30 christmas day. i'm really looking forward to spending some time with them.
when i return, i need to get working on the next phase for me work-wise. the roofing thing will only have a couple more weeks worth before it will be done for the winter. i am looking into finding an apprenticeship to become an electrician. i have a contact with a guy here in kingston, and i need to put together a resume and meet with him when we get back in the new year. pray for me...not sure if i'll meet up to the requirements or not! i'm both excited and nervous about this idea. it takes four to five years of apprenticeship and schooling before i will be able to get my ticket as a licenced electrician. i'm nervous because it is another step into the new and unknown, but excited because it is a goal, forward movement, and seems to be the direction God is leading me. it is good to have some direction in my life again. the past months have felt very directionless and that has been frustrating for both karen and myself.
anyway, that's the latest. have a merry christmas all!
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overuse injury
my body is weak.
about a week ago i started feeling my right hand go numb. the feeling progressed to where i had aching through my hand and arm down to my elbow. i finally went to a doctor and found out that i have an overuse injury with some symptoms of carpal tunnel, which basically means i have an inflamed nerve in my wrist or something like that. so now i'm wearing this splint at night, and to work where i lift heavy things all day long, the cause and sustainer of my injury. fun times...
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oh so lovely
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my dad
my dad flew down from alaska a week ago from last friday to visit my grandparents here in kingston, who haven't been doing very well physically. he was here for about a week and flew back to alaska last thursday. it was really nice to be able to visit with him again. while he was here karen and i finally found out that i was clear with my job for us to go to alaska for christmas, so we bought tickets last tuesday. we fly out on christmas day from toronto and return january 5. we are very excited to see my family again. we haven't had a christmas with all of us together for a few years, and it will be nice to see where they are all living. karen's a bit nervous about the cold, but according to my dad, it's comparable to the weather in ottawa, so that's not too bad. i'm looking forward to a christmas with a good winter again...snow flocking the trees and all that. kingston gets too much freezing rain in the winter.
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a new camera
karen was able to get some money through her teacher's union because of their new deal this year, so we finally spent it. we got a new digital camera. after much deliberation, we finally decided on the canon powershot a610. we are very happy with it. we first purchased a nikon, but it was having some problems and we didn't like it after using it for a day or two, so took it back and exchanged for the powershot.
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