
some thoughts

first go check out this website called clearification. watch the videos. very funny, hilarious even. recommend provided via nathancolquhoun.com.

recently listening to bright eyes, i'm wide awake it's morning

too often i find myself navel gazing, so caught up with my own issues that i neglect those around me. i pity the fool.

then come those moments where i am drawn out of myself and reminded that there are others in my world. others who need me. others who care about my well being. i am reminded to look outside myself. often it is in these moments i find the most [insert word for good things here], when i forget myself and freely give myself to others. go figure.

talking with karen today about life, i remarked how difficult it is to admit my issues to others, to really let them see the real me in all my gritty glory. and so it goes. too long have i run independent. keeping myself at arms length from others so appearances are kept up.

sometimes i struggle with life. complicated. independent.

i left home for college when i was seventeen. never looked back. independent.

but i am learning. slowly. rustlers aren't independent. working with al and living with the rustlers is teaching me community. sharing. vulnerability. honesty. i'm a reluctant convert, slow to quench my thirst for acceptance in the safety of loving community.

karen threw a party for my birthday almost a month ago. people came, conversation flowed while food ran wild. then karen pulled out a basket full of cards, into which friends had placed love with dollar bills attached. surprise cd fund. i was speechless, overwhelmed with that awkward feeling of being given far more than i deserved. thanks dribbled down my chin as i went into myself, unsure of what to do. independent. how do i learn to let friends love me like that? they're getting under my skin. i'm falling in love with this rustler crew. "she's good people," the lead hand would say with a goofy grin and a broom in one hand. "have you heard this song?"

to my friends, and i am blessed with many, thank you. thank you for teaching me love, generosity, and community by allowing me to experience it firsthand from your lives.

there is nowhere else i'd rather be.


Aphra said...

I was just thanking God for you and Karen yesterday. I feel safe with you guys and can trust you.

I've got some nasty chest congestion so may not be at Church tomorrow :(

Erskine said...

Far more than we deserve. That is a good phrase for the type of friends we have. There are some GOOD people in our expanding circle. Thanks for the reflective post.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon
Just came across your page. I'm trying to join the land of the living web having been isolated in new motherhood. Congrats on baby Gabriel--he's a handsome one! Give my best to Karen. Where are you at now? We're in MN--no blogspace yet-this is my first day of even looking at one.

thrills said...

aphra - thank you. i am honoured and am growing in love for you and myron the more i am around you. you ooze God-ness.

erskine - very true. you coming to ontario anytime?

renae!!! wow, i hope you come back to see this. email me! brandonshillington[at]gmail[dot]com
you have a baby!!! oh, so much to talk about...