
witness my triumph

thanks for your kind responses to my last post. i am glad it was helpful and encouraging to you. yes, i remember you kayla. thanks for stopping by. i married my sweetheart, karen. i met her here in k-town. anonymous, i have the utmost respect for you and your journey. don't give up. i'm not gonna.

i am slowly learning (thanks to a ponderously thick skull) that God gives me things because he wants me to share them. sometimes that is incredibly intimidating. a story full of hurt and shame and confusion. songs full of my most intimate feelings about God. poems... ahh.. who'm i kidding. i only wish i wrote poems. actually i have written a few, but i don't think they're that good. maybe i'll get around to posting one sometime and let the people judge. or maybe i'll write a new one just for you. ...ummm, maybe later.

here's a glimpse into my twisted psyche. this morning as i was getting about my day, i was singing stupid lines of rhyme out loud - to tunes reminiscent of a broadway musical. at least so i thought. i said to karen as we were eating breakfast, "hey, wouldn't it be fun to make a mock broadway production and do it at youth? ha ha.. funny." she just kindof looked at me like i was from another planet. i'm becoming quite fond of that look. i think she likes me.

easter is in just a few days. this has always been my favorite christian holiday. so full of hope and life and all that is good and great about jesus. plus when i was a kid our church would have this huge easter morning breakfast with a short sunrise service at a house overlooking the valley and the sunrise. in the crisp alaskan air of april it was quite beautiful. my favorite part was the breakfast. it was huge. i mean massive. egg casseroles, fruit, ham, waffles, you name it we probably had it. mmm.... i'm getting hungry. man i love easter. but i miss those breakfasts. and the easter baskets full of teeth rotting chocolates. good times.

my wife tells me there are two kinds of people in the world: people who eat to live, and people who live to eat. my wife is the former. i am the latter. boy am i ever. sometimes when we are eating a meal, i ask her how the food is. when i ask that question, i would love to have answers ranging from how it compares to the same type of food we had at that restaurant last week to how the balance of spices pleases the tastybuds on her tongue. she usually says something to the effect of, "meh." it's then i remember that she is of the first type of people and i am of the second.

cha-cha-cha changin' (musical interlude in my head) turn and face the .... da da da da da da da da ... somthing... la la... but i can't change time...

yeah, so.... i better go before i say something stupid.

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